Monday, June 22, 2009

A18: Neighborhoods Confession

We kicked off our A18: Neighborhoods Experiment yesterday! Basically, this is our first church-wide alignment series. We've decided to fuse our missions department and our small group department to send every NCC small group on a mission trip to their neighborhoods this summer.

We ended services yesterday with a statement of confession:

We come to you today in humility, knowing that we have missed the point of your mission repeatedly in our lives. Forgive us for settling for a manmade gospel of convenience instead of embracing the true Gospel of the cross. Forgive us for focusing on ourselves instead of on those you have called us to serve. Forgive us for waiting on history instead of writing it.

Today, we accept the challenge to walk in your footsteps. We will set aside our selfish ambition, take up our cross, and follow you. We will be witnesses in our homes and in our workplaces. We will serve those that you place in our path. And we follow you with great anticipation to see your Kingdom established in our lives and in the neighborhoods of Washington, DC, Maryland, and Virginia. We ask for your favor and blessing, in Jesus’ name, Amen.


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