Thursday, January 04, 2007

Book Review: Humility

Andrew Murray was born in South Africa in 1828. He received his education in Scotland and Holland and returned to South Africa where he spent many years working as both a pastor and a missionary. I just finished read his book, Humility, and I'm convinced that it belongs on the desk (not just the bookshelf) of every Christian leader.

Humility is a small book-- only a little over 100 pages-- and it was a quick and easy read, as far as reading words goes. Digesting the book and, more importantly, living out the book, will require much more time, diligence, and intentionality. I read the Bethany House version with updated language which probably made the reading process a bit smoother.

It is packed full of Scripture, quotes from the Church Fathers, and challenges to a life that will require every ounce of our attention, prayer, and devotion.

Murray begins with a examination of humility as exemplified and taught in the life of Christ. He then continues to look at humility in the lives and teachings of the disciples. Finally, he shows how humility is practically linked to our faith, relationships, happiness, and even success in life. He examines some of the false views of humility and gives a Biblical-based definition of humility as "the displacement of self by the enthronement of God. Where God is all, self is nothing." Simply, humility is "being fully occupied with God."

In the midst of a lot of self-help Christian writings, this book was refreshing and challenging. It helped me gain a new and more Biblical understanding of humility, and it moved me to do a lot of prayer and self-examination. I probably marked and underlined and commented more in this book than any other I have read. Humility should be read by every Christian leader, and it is a book that I will surely revisit often over the course of my life.

Pastor C. J. Mahaney wrote a book entitled Humility, as well, that I am currently reading. I will post a review on it when I have finished.


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