Monday, April 13, 2009

Looking for a Few Good Proteges

It's application time for the 2009-2010 NCC Protege Program.

The Protégé Program is a year-long intensive spiritual growth, leadership development, and ministry immersion experience at National Community Church. As an NCC Protégé, you will be given the opportunity to learn from some of the most innovative thinkers and creators in ministry, participate in the day to day activities of church staff culture, stretch yourself as a leader, and lay a firm foundation for a life-long pursuit of the passion and vision that God has placed on your life.

NCC Proteges will choose one ministry area— discipleship, media, missions/outreach, children/youth, worship, coffeehouse ministry, college ministry, or church planter in residence—in which they will specifically focus their ministry efforts during the year and for which they will receive special training.

NCC Proteges will gain experience in the following areas:
  • Attend Learning Labs- make new discoveries in leadership development, spiritual growth, and ministry methods from members of the NCC teaching team.
  • Develop a Spiritual Growth Plan
  • Develop a Leadership Development Plan
  • Serve on the Alpha Team
  • Lead small groups and ministries
  • Participate in an NCC missions experience
  • Serve at weekend worship gatherings, outreach projects and leadership development events
  • Build community with fellow members of your Protégé class through weekly study, prayer, and reflection groups
  • Be mentored by your ministry-focus department leader
  • Attend leadership development conferences with the NCC team
The Protégé Program is a training and proving ground for emerging church leaders. During your Protégé year, you will accumulate valuable experience, mentors, and knowledge that will prepare you for stepping into the next phase of your God-given calling.

If you would like more information on becoming an NCC Protégé, check out our FAQ or send an email to me.

I love all of our Proteges, but I'm especially partial to those seeking to serve in the Discipleship department. Let me know if you are interested!


At 10:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So... where might one find the FAQs?

At 5:49 PM, Blogger Heather Z said...

Shoot me an email and I'll send them!

At 9:28 AM, Blogger Christy Wong said...


You are receiving this message because I thought you may be interested in joining in the blog tour for The Rabbit and the Elephant: Why Small is the New Big for Today’s Church by Tony & Felicity Dale. The book releases in June from Tyndale House Publishers. A blog tour is a virtual book tour. We are planning on having the tour during the first week of June. If you choose to participate, you will post your blog entry on a designated day.


Dates: June 1-4, 2009; post by 8 AM ET
Reply by: 8 AM CT, April 30, 2009
Book review
Author Bio
Synopsis and cover

Feel free to include as many or as few of the above options in your blog post. We would like to ask you to post your review on Amazon as well. You can even encourage your visitors to purchase the book from Amazon if they are interested in a copy of their own.

Below is a synopsis and author bio for your convenience. The cover image, author photos, and the first chapter can be downloaded for free at the Tyndale Media Center. If you plan on participating in the tour, please let me know which of the above option(s) you would like to do in your blog post.

Please let me know by 8 AM CT, Thursday, April 30, 2009 if you are interested in participating in the blog tour, and if so I will send you a review copy of The Rabbit and the Elephant as well as additional instructions. You should then have everything you need to take part in the blog tour during the week of June 1-4. I will assign you to a date on the tour. Please let me know if you have any date preferences within that week. If not or if you have other questions, feel free to contact me and, of course, let me know if you would prefer to be removed from this list.

Thank you for your consideration,

Christy Wong
Tyndale House Publishers

The Rabbit and the Elephant Synopsis:
If you put two elephants in a room together and close the door, in 22 months you may get one baby elephant. But two rabbits together for the same amount of time will result in thousands of baby rabbits! In The Rabbit and the Elephant, “micro church” planters Tony and Felicity Dale use the “rabbit” illustration to show the pace at which the Christian faith can (and should) be growing—through evangelism that is explosive and transformational. The Rabbit and the Elephant contains the key to 21st century evangelism—taking the Gospel to where the pain and the people are.

Tony & Felicity Dale’s Bio:
Tony and Felicity Dale were trained as physicians at Barts Hospital in London, where they pioneered simple church concepts while in medical school and later in the East End of London. Now living in the United States, they are actively engaged in church planting. They founded House2House magazine and have authored several books, including Renewing the Mind, Simply Church, and the Getting Started manual on planting house churches. The Dales speak regularly at conferences throughout the world. They live in Austin, Texas.


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