Thursday, October 19, 2006

FAQ: What is Inward Bound?

We do two spiritual formation retreats at NCC: Inward Bound and Upward Bound. Inward Bound is located on the Influencer Island of the Discipleship Map, and Upward Bound is found on the Seeker Island of the Discipleship Map. Both retreats are currently being reengineered. But here is the general idea and how we have done it in the past:

Inward Bound, the flagship NCC retreat, helps people explore how God has wired them and discover the story that he is writing in their lives. The sessions look something like this:

Orientation- We begin at the end. It sounds a bit morbid, but we challenge folks on the first night of the retreat to think about their death bed and consider the following questions about their life: What have they learned? What have they accomplished? Whom did they influence? What investments will follow them to heaven and which will not amount to a pile of ashes?

Session 1: Interpreting Your Past. We provide a framework for people to begin writing their life story. Dividing their life into "Chapters," participants list people, places, and events that were significant in their personal development and life trajectory.

Session 2: Discovering Your Spiritual DNA. We talk about the idea of Dual Destiny-- our universal destiny (to become like Christ and share him with others) and our unique destiny (what discipleship and evangelism look like in our own lives)

Session 3: Preparing for Your Future. Participants list 100 life goals in the following categories: Spiritual, Physical, Relational, Financial, Vocational, Intellectual, and Personal.

Session 4: Understanding Your Present. We talk about the importance of being plugged into God's word and accountability relationships, the importance of delays and detours, and the spiritual discipline of living day by day.

Session 5: The Jealous Author. In order to understand the story that is being written in our lives, we must know our Author. Our Author is a jealous God who loves us and deeply desires relationship with us.


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