Thursday, August 23, 2007

Upward Bound 2007

I just got really excited about our upcoming Upward Bound Retreat in October. Historically, we've done two retreats at NCC: Inward Bound, which focuses on how God has created and wired us, and Upward Bound, which focuses on helping people connect with God through spiritual disciplines. At the last Upward Bound, we used the Tabernacle as the organizing metaphor for the retreat teachings and experiences. We are in the planning phase for thinking through this year's retreat.

In years past, these retreats have been very large-- some with as many as 100 attending. I think we are going to keep Inward Bound large like that. But it just feels weird for Upward Bound. I'd like to keep it around 30. We may even go smaller than that and have it at a local evangelical monastery retreat house. Registration will be first come, first serve. The dates will be October 19-21.


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