Friday, October 26, 2007

Zone Leader Retreat

Fall is the season for retreats around NCC!! Upward Bound retreat, zone leader retreat, staff planning retreat, Alpha's nuts! In a few hours, I am heading to Harpers Ferry with my zone leaders. We'll spend the next 48 hours praying and dreaming about small groups, discipleship, and community at NCC in 2008.

I think retreats are essential to doing ministry in a way that really moves us forward. Anyone who has been around NCC for any length of time knows our formula:

Change of Place + Change of Pace = Change of Perspective

That's not just a cute phrase; it's true! Leaders especially need to set aside time for personal retreats. I get away one Friday each month to "retreat," though it looks different every time. Some Fridays are more focused on vision and planning while others are focused on reading and writing while others are focused on personal spiritual disciplines. Leaders also need to be intentional about getting away with their key leaders to build community, pray, and dream about the future. We try to incorporate both personal reflection and team building/planning into our zone leader retreat. It's going to be good!


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