Friday, May 12, 2006

Spiritual Growth Metrics

My good friend Elaine Bayless is an M. Div. candidate at Regent University, and she is developing a small group/discipleship program at the church where she is interning this summer. She sent me a question that I wanted to throw out to the Wineskins crowd:

I'm looking for ways to add measurability to my church's discipleship program. We' like to have some sort of assessment that people can use to see where they are and to monitor their growth on a regular basis. Aside from individual assessments, what are some other metrics we can use to monitor the spiritual growth of the congregation? We're a small church of about 120 people.

I would recommend Seacoast's Spiritual Growth Assessment Tool. Also, Todd Rhoades had a good post about this on Monday Morning Insight recently. You can check it out here. I posted something similar here.

Anybody else have recommendations?


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