Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Head Spinning

I just spent the last two days brainstorming with some of the greatest minds in the area of small groups and discipleship. I'm still not sure how in the world I wound up getting invited to this thing, but I'm so thankful I got to be here. There were moments when I thought, "we are doing pretty good at NCC," but there were also moments when I thought, "what the heck are we doing at NCC?" Being around other people who are passionate about changing the world through community and discipleship gets me fired up!

Two things I know. One, the future of the church rests on our ability to make disciples. That was Jesus' plan and it was the only plan. We are here today because the people that came before us were willing to give their lives to that mission. Two, the way we make disciples changes. There's no one way to do it, and it shifts with time, cultures, and people. Jesus encountered different people in different ways, and we've got to do the same. It's not about programs but about community. It's not about information but relationship.


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