Friday, May 02, 2008

Be Rich

I just finished listening to a training CD from Bill Hybels, and he made a simple statement that jumped out and grabbed me over everything else:
Be rich in your investments in people.

Man, that is totally my prayer. I want to be exhausted at the end of my life from investing in people. I firmly believe that I will only achieve my destiny as I strive to fulfill the God-given destinies of others.

So I'm thinking a lot this afternoon about how we can make rich investments in people. Time investments- Am I making gracious investments of time? Growth investments- Am I investing in their spiritual growth? Encouragement investments- Am I genuine and sincere but also lavish in acknowledging and praising the gifts, talents, and passions of others? Connection investments- Am I connecting people into relationships and communities that can help them grow and become everything God created them to be? Resource Investments- am I giving people to tools they need to grow and give? Prayer investments- am I going to God's throne every day on behalf of the people I lead?

There are so many investment opportunities surrounding me right now. So many amazing leaders who can bring influence and change and light to dark places. I think I need to realign some of my daily priorities and reschedule my calendar to ensure I am investing my time, energy, and focus into building people...and investing richly.


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