Saturday, April 25, 2009

Influence: NCC Style

This week, we continue our Influence series at NCC, and I'm really excited about the format that the sermon will take. Instead of preaching a platform message, we will be letting the lives of NCCers preach the sermon.

I think a lot of times we view influence in terms of position, role, wealth, or special gifts and abilities. We think of influencers as people with high profiles- athletes, entertainers, politicians. But influence is more about sacrifice than popularity. More about the investment of ourselves than the investment of wealth. Ralph Waldo Emerson said, "Each man is a hero and an oracle to somebody."

This weekend, we are telling the stories, on film, of three "normal" NCCers who are wielding great influence in the lives of the people they intersect each day. An athletic trainer who found himself working in the deaf community at Gallaudet University. An incredibly talented young lady who works as a professional friend to at risk kids in the overlooked and underserved Anacostia community in southeast Washington, DC. A highly educated journalist who started a street newspaper to employ the homeless community.

I'm so honored to serve alongside these folks and count them among my friends.


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