Twelve Things You Should Never Say to a Baptist
Thanks for Perry Noble for this great list! I'm a Baptist girl at heart, and I love it. By the way, if you are looking for a good blog to read, Perry's is a great blog to check out. It's on my once-a-day reading list. I love his heart for God and passion for seeing people come to Christ. It's contagious.
Twelve Things You Should Never Say to a Baptist
#12 - Lottie who?
#11 - What is a covered dish and why must everyone who gets sick in our church have to have some sort of casserole?
#10 - I love it when my wife has her own opinion!
#9 - For God so loved the world that He did not send a COMMITTEE!
#8 - “Were either going to Disney or Vegas for vacation this year…”
#7 - SHE did an incredible job with the message today.
#6 - Why do you keep calling me “brother?”
#5 - “Got a light?” Unless, of course, you are a deacon…then this is a perfectly valid question.
#4 - Can we please sing the third verse!!!
#3 - Hold my beer.
#2 - May I have this dance?
#1 - Ante up!
Just remember, Baptists in Oklahoma don't believe in premarital sex because it might lead to dancing.
Why do you always take two Baptists when you go fishing?
Because if you just take one he'll drink all your beer.
You forgot to mention that we are also as hung up on alphabet soup as the federal government is: SBC, NAMB, IMB, GGBTS...didn't is see the CIA in there somewhere?
LOL! These are all great. And I think I know most of the acronyms:
Southern Baptist Convention, North American Mission Board, International Mission Board, and Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary? Is that right.
Now, I am in the A/G, and we have lots of acronyms as well. And of course, if the acronym doesn't exist, we can always resort to speaking in tongues. :)
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