Thursday, March 25, 2010

From Garden to City Update

As you might be aware, our church has embarked on a church-wide, through-the-Bible reading plan that we are calling From Garden to City. It's running from Lent 2010 to Lent 2011. Each day, we are reading between 2 and 5 chapters of Scripture. The books are arranged to follow a modified NCC liturgical calendar of sorts. And our weekend messages track with the weekly readings.

I. am. loving. it.

And so is everyone I've been talking to.

In the coming days, I'm going to launch a series of behind the scenes how-to posts. I think most Bible reading plans fail because 1) there is no community or accountability and 2) the reading schedules don't make sense. I think they work much better when they emerge from and synchronize more organically with the life rhythms of individual local churches. I'll blog about how we put our reading plan together and share some thoughts on how you can do the same for your own church or small group.


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