Friday, November 16, 2007


I just finished reading the book unChristianby Dave Kinnaman and Gabe Lyons. It's the result of a research project led by the Barna Group to determine what people in our generation really think about Christians. Christians are not called to be popular. In fact, Jesus promised us we would not be popular. So bad feelings towards our kind doesn't necessarily indicate a problem. But when people have a negative image of Jesus for the wrong reasons- because we have been hypocritical, judgmental, confused our mission, or demonstrated any number of the other unBiblical and Pharisaical attitudes and actions that we've adopted over the years- then that is bad.

It's a wake up call. And it's something I think every pastor should read. You may not agree with everything in the book, and you certainly will find yourself feeling defensive at different points. But it's important to listen to these voices. Jesus listened. And then he responded in a loving but challenging way that was unique to each individual. I dream of being able to minister like that!

If you're interested in this topic, I'd also recommend They Like Jesus but Not the Church by Dan Kimball.


At 11:28 PM, Blogger BobT said...

I just read the book and have also read Dan Kimball's. They both say about the same thing and both authors have a humble and loving attitude. Both books also offer positive suggestions for change and leave us with a hopeful feeling for the future if we are willing to change. bobt

At 5:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for suggesting those books!

I lead a small group in the Detroit area in a coffee with around 15 people who are unchurched and/or do not yet believe in Jesus Christ. Some hate church and even Jesus BUT they are coming.

I cannot wait to open those books. God, change me!


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