Goal Review
Every year about this time, I review life goals and set monthly and annual goals. In 2002, I wrote down 100 life goals at the encouragement of Mark Batterson at an Inward Bound Retreat. Over the past 8 years, I've accomplished some goals and added some others. I've never completely struck a goal off the list, but I realized yesterday that I might need to move a few to the "inactive" list. In 2002, I was single and working in the political world. In 2010, I am married and a pastor. It just means my goals have changed a little bit. For whatever its worth, here are a few that I've accomplished:
- Take fencing classes
- Establish a new National Wildlife Refuge
- Produce Godspell
- Write a book
- Go on a pilgrimage to Israel
- Oversee 30 small groups
And for whatever its worth, here are a few I moved to the "inactive" list yesterday. Which means I'd still love to do them, but they are no longer goals I am actively pursuing (since I'm no longer working as an engineer or policy advisor):
- Walk on the moon
- Perform on Broadway
- Hold a cabinet-level position
- Discover a new species
- Start an engineering-based missions organization